TUTORIAL: How to use the app - DYE LIFE, EzerpCorp's Barcelona best WIFI LED light bulbs

DYE LIFE, EzerpCorp's Barcelona best WIFI LED light bulbs.

DYE LIFE, EzerpCorp's Barcelona best WIFI LED light bulbs has an app available in AppStore and PlayStore. It needs WIFI to firstly, be downloaded and secondly, use it. How to use DYE LIFE, EzerpCorp's Barcelona best WIFI LED light bulbs' app? It is very easy, as we said in our first post: as easy as touch your mobile's screen. 

Once you have entered in the app, there is a colour palette: you must choose a colour and the LED will light the chosen colour. All bulbs has a LED in and are connected with the WIFI. How can be they connected with the WIFI if I did not write any password in the app? Because the app itselfs connects with the WIFI openned in your mobile. Then, you must choose the light intensity. 

Remember: our WIFI LED light bulbs made in Barcelona are ecological. This means that the LED light are high durability and reduces the electricity bill.

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