REASONS TO USE DYE LIFE, Barcelona's WIFI LED light bulbs
DYE LIFE, EzerpCorp's Barcelona best WIFI LED light bulbs. EzerpCorp is a company that was born in Barcelona a few years ago. After its success, EzerpCorp decided to bet for organizations like ours: DYE LIFE, best WIFI LED light bulbs in Barcelona, the light city. Our WIFI bulbs are made in Barcelona, our store is in Barcelona too, and guess where are we located? -In Barcelona!- How did you know it? Why Barcelona? You will know it in our next post! But first, let's go with the important stuff: our WIFI LED light bulbs. As we care a lot about the Planet Earth, our bulbs are eco bulbs. The LEDs used and the light are ecological! Yes, ecological, but... how can bulbs be sustainable? Our bulbs EMIT LESS HEAT. Every single LED has higher durability than an ordinay LED. The light is ECOlogical LIGHT. Moreover, because we offer high-quality bulbs, and the LED light is favorable to the environment, it produces low pollution, reduces your bill and emits c...